Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Cross Dresser’s Wives November 2012 Newsletter

Topic:  Our New CDW Corner

Where can you find experts on cross dressing? Look in the mirror-that is right-it is you.  You are the expert about your husband’s cross dressing.  Yes, many therapists have taken courses that deal with this issue but you are the one being exposed to your CDH’s condition, everyday, 24/7, 365 days a year. Even if he has never ‘dressed up’ in front of you-nonetheless, you know by now what your CDH is like when he purges and when he is sexually gratifying himself while ‘dressed up.” Now you are picking up the clues-you know where his bag of tricks are and you know when the bag has been in use. The computer has also disclosed the she porn he is watching on a regular basis. I am not claiming you understand this behavior-only that you are in a position to witness the behaviors associated with cross dressers-your husband/partner.

For the first time in our history we have a section in our newsletter designed for the CDW: The real experts. This month, our first voice is Bambi. She, along with some others, are almost daily is on this website.

Bambi came and shared her story with us. It did not take long for all of us to keep an eye out for Bambi’s posts. So many of them are filled with hilarious sarcasm and other times-she just tells it like it is. She is always one of the first to greet a newcomer, make them feel confortable and she-like so many of you –really cares about the well being of CDW.

Please know that the CDW Corner of the newsletter is a permanent addition. We feel that so many of you have experienced so many challenges, and though our non for profit may not agree with all that is written, we appreciate all CDW contributions to this website and especially the Forum. Thank you Bambi for so many things…

Tim’s Corner (Our family cross dressing advisor)

He will be back next month but wishes all of you a very Happy Thanksgiving!

CDW Corner: Our first host is Bambi!

I found out I was a CDW in August 2011. I had never heard of Cross Dressing. So I turned to the Web for Information.  I started posting on the Forum January 2012. One morning I was on the Forum and different cross dressers wives were telling their stories. The last post I read that morning, was a post from a CDW by the name of Dusty. I was standing in my kitchen and thinking about something Dusty had just posted. And all of a sudden I saw my best friends’ husbands face and realized why she did what she did. I crumbled to the floor! I put my hands over my head and screamed at the top of my lungs "OMG NO"! I sat on my kitchen floor for numerous hours, rocking back and forth, my hands over my head and cried for my BF! I finally realized what really happened to her and why! She, like me, was a closeted, miserable cross dresser’s wife.

I had been on numerous vacations with her and her husband! I had to get my hands on those pictures. The first one is an 8 X10 Cruise picture of her and her husband in short shorts. "YES" he and my BF are both about the same height; “YES" they are both about the same weight, and "YES" HIS LEGS ARE SHAVED! I always KNEW there was something "AMISS" at that home, but I could never figure out what it was! UNTIL NOW, Thirteen YEARS TOO LATE!

My BF was the kindest, sweetest person I have ever met. She was also the weakest person I have ever met! My BF was an Alcoholic. I went to Open AA Meetings with her for years. “OPEN" meetings, you are allowed to bring a loved one. "YES" she belonged In AA! But, she also NEEDED to tell her story! I NOW understand why she never told her story at those meetings! I NOW understand why she could never connect to others at the meetings! I NOW understand her life! 

Thirteen years ago I received that telephone call at 5:00 in the morning. Her daughter called and told me “my father was at a function last night, he arrived home at 11:30PM and found my mother dead." My BF had a heart attack, due to a mixture of liquor and diet pills. The heart attack was due to years of abuse! Her body just could not take any more abuse! She was "ONLY" 45 when she passed! She was a closeted cross dresser’s wife, who could not handle the stress, anxiety and pressure of living a secretive life anymore.

I have so many unanswered questions! And NOW I have answers to so many questions! I KNOW she had NEVER told anybody! I KNOW she had started drinking to make it easier to go into that bedroom every night! I KNOW she was always fighting that extra weight, so he could no longer wear her clothing! I now UNDERSTAND, 13 YEARS TO LATE!
I shared my Best Friends Story, in the "HOPE" that it will save other CDW'S! As NOW I am also "HER" voice!

Tell SOMEBODY, don’t self-medicate, etc., etc. I know other CD wives are in jeopardy! What this does to a woman mentally is unhealthy, and to make matters worse, how many are self-medicating to go into that bedroom? One CDW posted she had to have EXTRA drinks to go to bed with her CDH; she was a wife that knew prior to marriage! But her CDH had escalated! Time flies when a wife that did NOT know and she had posted that now she has to have a few drinks before bed her H!

I have questions for time flies but she has not been on the Forum as of recent! How many girls/women are self-medicating and NOT posting that? I remember saying to my BF'S H one day “she is NOT opening up at these meetings, lets get her in Therapy!" Her H says to me “she does NOT need Therapy, she needs AA to stop her drinking!" I NOW understand WHY he NEVER wanted her In Therapy; he was in fear she would tell a Therapist what was going on in that house! My BF'S H.... he is a white male, EXTREMELY successful Business man, well educated, great father and a NARCISSUS! ALL of the makings of some CD’s!


PS Those of you, who are fortunate enough to know Bambi, realize why she is so special to us. I had no idea that not only was she suffering from being a cross dresser’s wife-but that she actually lost her best friend, who was apparently a closeted cross dresser’s wife. May God Bless her. Bambi, thank you for being her voice!


The Founder has been a guest speaker at a few college classes, as well as salons. We are trying each day to get the word out about CDW and the types of challenges they are dealing with-but first we need to educate people about CD-and bust the myths about CD being gay! Then why are CD overwhelmingly married and many have children? Well, we know but the rest of the world is still in the closet, and clearly in the dark. Let us continue to shed some light on this thorny, murky taboo sub culture.


 Cross Dressers Wives NPO offers live telephone consultation services with The Founder. She holds a BA in Women Studies, an M.A. in Social Sciences, and has worked with thousands of cross dressers’ wives. The Founder is not a licensed therapist; she is a former cross dresser’s wife.

 Please book your Hotline consultation by contacting cdwives@gmail.com. The basic fee is $50 an hour. The first 15 minutes are free.


 "You have no idea. You’ve saved my life.”

 "I cannot tell you how blessed I felt to have someone I could talk to about this that has shared this experience."

 "The advice I received from the Founder about setting boundaries was a big help to my marriage."

 "The hour I spent speaking with you made me feel better than the year I spent in therapy."

 "After my consultation, I realized my therapist was not the expert on cross dressers’ wives - the Founder is."

We is a charitable, non-for profit organization. All donations are tax deductible. Presently, we rely almost solely on donations and grants to support our much-needed services. In difficult financial times, funds are short, limiting our ability to expand our Hotline and international outreach resources. Every dollar we raise can assist Cross Dressers Wives NPO develop worldwide programs for cross dressers wives seeking assistance and support. 

Please visit our links to purchase our book, make a financial contribution, or volunteer your services to help us assist women in dire need of support, education, acceptance, understanding, compassion, and guidance.

Many of us have lived in complete silence, denial, and guilt. This does not come without enormous consequences. Sometimes, it is simply comforting to know that we are not alone.  There are millions of us in the United States and throughout the world whose unique needs must be met. All contributions are greatly appreciated.

For privacy purposes, donations made by check may be made payable to ‘CDW’ or ‘CROSS DRESSERS WIVES.’ Credit card donations made via PayPal appear as ‘CDW.’   

Inspirational Quote of the month:

“If you have knowledge, let others light their candles in it.” Margaret Fuller, journalist, critic, and women’s rights advocate

1 comment:

  1. Hi. If you had to slap a label on me now I'm a gender fluid trans woman but wasn't.
    I have read posts here for several months and agonized about commenting at all. I can deeply understand the situation which CDWs go through -from the other side of the looking glass of course. Finally I decided if anyone here can benefit from my own little trip through hell I would try. If at any point you think I'm putting myself on a pedestal-knock me off.

    My own personal story obviously is very similar to husbands mentioned here. I was married to a very strong woman for 25 years who knew of my gender "differences". I say was married because she passed suddenly 5 years ago.

    One of our first big dates was to a big Halloween street party and of course...I was dressed as a high fashion model. I told her I liked to dress in women's clothes. In a sense I lied because I couldn't accept or understand I wanted so much more.

    Our relationship worked only because we ended being best friends too which got us over some of the extremely tough roads we all follow...as all of you know.

    As is the case with many CDHs or CDWs I wondered just how the heck this happened. How did I go from trying on my Mom's clothes at the age of 12 to starting female hormones at 62?

    Here's how the progression worked with me. See if any of it matches up with your CDH.

    1.- very quickly I "got over" the fetish aspect of womens' clothes. A trait not shared by CD's. Something was missing.
    2.-I moved into the "image" narcissus category and stayed there for years as I played the guy things like sports, military etc...and tried to drink my problems away. But my perceived self image of being a sexy woman again faded quickly. Something was missing.
    3.-Years later I started to understand what was missing when after a particular period of being in public as a girl my wife said "you make a terrible woman". What? How could that be? She sent me into phase 4:
    4.-She said "I'm not talking about how you look-that does not make you a woman." From that point on I became an observer of the feminine life and spirit. Instead of thinking she's crazy-indeed maybe she made me face what was missing.

    What I was missing was I wanted to live as a woman, interact with the public as a woman etc..dressing as one became as routine as dressing as a guy. I wanted to be attractive and feminine but it didn't define me.
    Now if your CDH is not facing any of this he is being selfish and dishonest and is killing himself...and you. IF he understands what is going on. Fortunately there are ways today to do exactly that before the door becomes the solution ...another discussion.

    Finally, We all know his problem is NOT going away-don't ever be fooled into thinking it is. I wouldn't wish this lifestyle on my worst enemy and the couples who somehow work through it are truly special. Good luck!

