Legalities of Cross Dressers/Transgenders/Transexuals
Happy, Healthy & Prosperous New Year. May all of your dreams become reality!!!
Today, with gender issues at the forefront of many top news stories, there are multiple unanswered questions surrounding the legal rights of cross dressers, transgenders, and transsexuals. For example, let’s examine the recent incident of a Macy's store employee who was fired because she would not allow a male-to-female transgender to use the ladies dressing room. Whose rights were violated? The transgender? The other women in their designated dressing rooms? Or the religious employee? So far, the jury is out. Allegedly, the employee is claiming faith-based reasons for refusing to allow a male cross dresser/transgender female into a female dressing room. The employee claims, based upon her religious beliefs, that it is a lie that the transgender is really a female. However, this country’s laws are supposed to be based upon the separation of church and state. The transgender did not feel comfortable in a male dressing room. Who is right? Could all parties have valid points and concerns? Perhaps…
Can we pretend for a moment that the transgender was our son? Would we want our son to be treated in a way in which he was made to feel uncomfortable? What if we were in the dressing room with our young children who were old enough to understand that there was a man dressed up like a woman in a Macy's women’s dressing room? Would you take action? What would that action look like? Things are really beginning to boil in regards to gender issues, and there are a lot of different types of confrontations that I highly suspect will be decided upon through the most legal avenue of all, the Supreme Court.
Macy’s has friendly Gay & Lesbian policies - allegedly written by a transsexual employee. Other stores like Nordstrom’s do not have ‘set standard policies’ but suggest their employees use common sense in instances such as this. If a cross dresser wants to try on a dress - if there is a third dressing area available - use that one instead. That way, no one is offended. But, really? I believe that at some point, as more and more cross dressers and transgenders come out of their closets and want to use other companies' closets to try on clothes, eventually major department stores will have policies in place to either let the customer choose - or let the employee choose. Either way, I clearly envision this ending up on the black-robed laps of Supreme Court Justices. I confess, I can see everyone’s perspective and do not envy those who will ultimately make the final decisions.
As this New Year unfolds, we must admit that times are a changing. If a cross dresser or transgender has come out of the closet, does that mean that they will now be shut out of store closets?
Please note that I am only trying to provoke people to think critically about these issues and try to get them to see things from a more circumspect point of view. I do not have the answers, only more questions.
Blessings & Gratitude,
Dee (AKA The Founder)
Cross Dressers Wives NPO offers live telephone consultation services with The Founder. She holds a BA in Women Studies, an M.A. in Social Sciences, and has worked with over one thousand cross dressers’ wives. The Founder is not a licensed therapist; she is a former cross dresser’s wife.
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“Truth keeps the hands cleaner then soap.” (West African Proverb taken from Abounding Grace by Dr. Scott Peck, pg. 252.)
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