Monday, August 31, 2009

September's Newsletter

Is the cause of cross dressing nature or nurture? Many cross dressers wives are searching for concrete answers as to why their husbands/partners have this condition, and we are not alone in our search.  There have been so many inquires and discussions on our worldwide forum about what causes one to become a cross dresser.  Some scientists argue it is biological, others uphold it is conditioning, and some speculate it could be a combination of both.  Some cross dressers wives have stated that their husbands have explained to the best of their ability that their condition began in early childhood as a direct result of their troubled relationships with their fathers.  My ex cross dressing husband also claimed the same.  I believe him - his father was a tyrant; however his father was also mentally ill (this is not to imply that cross dressing is a form of mental illness - it is not.)  Nature vs. nurture; both are logical deductions as to the root of cross dressing, so perhaps it is due to a combination of both, biology and conditioning.

The infamous anthropologist Margaret Mead once argued, “Gender based roles are not biological but culturally assigned,” which obviously supports the theory of nurture and conditioning.  Whereas other hard scientists uphold the belief that the brain is our largest sex organ, which would indicate that the cause of cross dressing is biological.  These two opposing ideologies leave us with no clear-cut answers…only more questions.

Sadly, there are too few statistics available on transvestites, most likely due to the fact that cross dressing is so often perceived as taboo and consequently maintained as a secret act or way of life. Many cross dressers live with this huge sexually charged secret – as do many of their wives. Even current, significantly limited statistics are being challenged because there is much speculation as to how many cross dressers there really are.

Charlotte Suthrell, author of Unzipping Gender, states, “Cross dressing may also be a therapeutic reaction to social pressures - male dual role transvestites often describe a feeling of relaxation and comfort …releasing the male self from the regime of stereotypical male emotions through the outward and visible manifestation of wearing women’s clothes can be a form of play.”  This is also well noted throughout our worldwide forum.  Many cross-dressing husbands have claimed that this act is a form of release and comforts them. Some characterize it as play, whereas other claim it is like an obsession or addiction - not a choice!

There are strong valid suggestions that since gender refers to the psychological identification one has - either as man or woman, cross dressing (known to be lifelong) begins in early childhood as a direct result of one’s relationship with the same sex parent. Other hard-core scientists purport that gender orientation starts at conception.  There is evidence that yes, there are various causes.  One is genetic, which is inclusive of endocrine disruption that occurs within a fetus.  For more information regarding endocrine-disrupting chemicals, please visit (and search for the gender link).

Despite the numerous diverse controversies regarding the possible causes of cross dressing, there is overwhelming evidence cross dressing is not heredity.

The speculation, diverse theories, and ideologies derived from biologists, anthropologists, and social scientists all seek hard-core evidence regarding how this condition develops. However, there is only circumstantial evidence, not indisputable facts or answers.

For example, Dr. Elizabeth Moberly, who authored, Psychogenesis: The Early development of Gender Identity, acknowledges that transsexualism in men and women have similar etiology. This condition originated from unresolved childhood trauma.  Dr. Moberly refers to this as radical misidentification trauma from the same sex parent. Moberly’s theory is well supported by a diverse assemblage of social scientists, while simultaneously disputed by many others.

Nonetheless, one should not discount the likelihood that there are biological reasons as well. Why?  There is scientific research that concludes there are distinct differences between men’s brains to that of women’s brains and therefore men and women behave in different ways.That’s a logical conclusion supporting gender differences; however, does that prove that these biological brain differences can and do impact one’s gender, ultimately causing someone to become a cross dresser?  My answer is…PROVE IT!

However, some cross dressers wives believe it is a choice.  Others believe it is not a choice.  And many religious leaders whole-heartedly buttress this belief, that cross-dressing is a choice.  Some uphold a religious man would not cross dress - even if he had such a desire.  However, it must be highly noted the other side of this debate from a religious perspective is that God created all of us and thus cross dressers were God’s intention.  God loves all, just the way we are.  God doesn’t make mistakes.  We are all different in so many ways and yet so alike.  So, did God choose to make our husbands/partners cross dressers by making their brain function in a different way?

In conclusion, one can critically critique all of these aforementioned theories and search for answers.  Only more intensive, depth and breath of controlled studies and research can help to explain how men and women become transvestites.  Since so many cross dressers are still in the closet due to the lack of societal acceptance, this factor impacts the gaining of true statistics regarding cross dressers. How many are there world wide?  What is their biological makeup?  What was their conditioning?  Will we ever really know?

In the meanwhile, we can choose to believe one theory over another, or acknowledge that more detailed research from hard science as well as soft science is undoubtedly necessary.  Perhaps we have to accept that there is no conclusive hard-core data that answers the question: Nature, Nurture, or a combination?

For more information please review the following list of suggested reading regarding this highly disputed topic and discourse:

The Real Difference Between Men and Women, by Anne Moir and David Jessel.

Brain Sex, by Ann Moire.

My Husband Wear My Clothes by Peggy J. Rudd, Ed.D.

Unzipping Gender: Sex, Cross Dressing and Culture by Charlotte Suthrell.

Alice in Genderland by Richard J. Novic, M.D.

The Man Who Would Be Queen: The Science of Gender Bending and Transsexulism by Michael Bailey.

Blessing to all of you! And welcome to all of our newcomers!

The Founder

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