Friday, October 4, 2013



Dee’s Corner
There are many forms of abuse- emotional, psychological and physical abuse. All are harmful, destructive and some are illegal. It is important to know the difference.
When his cross dressing becomes more than just ‘dressing up’ and your CD partner is now becoming violent-GET OUT!  Do not wait for anything else to happen. DOMESTIC VILONCE IS ILLEGAL. Call the police-do not hesitates if you are ever being threatened-take those threats seriously. If he hits you once-that should be the LAST time. There is NO TOLERANCE for physical violence-against you and some even hurt your children and even beloved pets to use that as a threat against you.
If your CD partner is threatening you-you children or your animals- you need to immediately take action: 911. Get protective orders- some wives have to get them for themselves and their animals!! It is bad enough with what too many CDW/partners put up with.  This is where it has to end.
Must draw the line in the sand…physical violence can only happen one time-and then- he is out! Let him get the help he needs behind bars. Under NO circumstances should any of you be living in this situation and I know too many of you are. Please, I beg you to love yourselves enough to know-staying with an abuser is only going to get progressively worse. Your life, health and well-being should never be endangered because of the man that married -who promised to protect you and love you is now a violent offender and you are his target.
For those that this applies to –get protective orders- seeks out help right away. This is 100% unacceptable and don’t stay because of your kids-get them out of this situation. Ask for help! Contact a lawyer-tell your friends. Let everyone know he is a danger to you. Love yourself to know- you and your children and pets deserve a better life, one without any form of abuse.  You are all worthy of peace, love and happiness- not crazy making.
It is heart wrenching to think that some CDH are beating their wives…and they are protecting the abuser- instead of themselves. We know you are out there-it is OK to tell, once you tell-things can and will change.
Our hearts and prayers are going out to all the CDW who are also experiencing domestic violence. Please contact local police, women’s shelters, contact Tim our family CD advisor, the infamous Dorothy Hayden or me.
Dee A Levy
Tim’s corner…
Ladies I am sorry I have been absent from the newsletter the last few months. I have been busy with so many of wives like you.
The one thing I noticed and is a recurring theme is that no matter what -if you stay or leave that this still haunts so many. I work very hard to help these women to find a place that they are not so consumed with grief and Hurt. I can say that I have had success with many and not with my words with there's. As for the husbands I don't believe like many on the site that these men a doomed to a life of cross dressing. I have several that have stopped!!!! Now most will say how do I know and I don't but I have seen a change in attitude and so have their wives. I tell them they can fool everyone but themselves.
They are the ones that have to look in the mirror everyday and see themselves. The want to stop is the key if you love your wife and kids and want to be free they can, but most of all they need to love themselves. Cross dressing will take it's toll on them a slow processes but it will eat them up. I have had great success with digging into the past and helping them see clearly why they think and do what they do. I look forward to continuing to help wives and husbands to have a better and happier future. If you want to talk email me at
Thank you for your support
Dorothy Hayden corner
Dorothy is on vacation…more next month!
Questionnaire II UPDATE 
A psychological scientific journal article is going to disclose the results of our survey, conducted by Dr. Richard Docter and Dee A Levy, MA.
Over the past year nearly 300 wives of cross dressers have completed this survey, 
making it the largest group ever to participate in a wives study of this kind. Thanks 
to each of you! If you have not responded to Questionnaire II please do so, and be sure to respond to all of the questions. We are starting to analyze the survey data and the results will be made available on this web site. 
Additionally, a more formal report will be submitted to one of the scientific journals concerned with transgender studies, such as the International Journal of Transgenderism or the Archives of Sexual Behavior. The main focus of additional research will involve asking wives in more detail about how they are coping 
with cross dressing. Of course, we'll be inviting each of you to join us in these on-going research projects. 
HOTLINE   Cross Dressers Wives NPO offers live telephone consultation services 
with The Founder. She holds a BA in Women Studies, an M.A. in Social Sciences, 
and has worked with thousands of cross dressers’ wives. The Founder is not 
a licensed therapist; she is a former cross dresser’s wife. 
Additionally, Dee A Levy also consults with many cross dressers- most seeking advice on how to disclose their secret to their clueless wives.  Please book your Hotline consultation by contacting
 The basic fee is $50 an hour. The first 30 minutes are free.  
“I have been in counseling for years and things only got worse. After talking to Dee, I realized she could help me because she understood the problem and my challenges. Thank you Dee.”
“When I read the book with my cross dressing husband, we both cried! It was so helpful to first read the book- then consult with Dee” “ understood how much my 
husbands CD hurt me so much. I was relieved.”
 “You are the only person I trust” “My therapist does not understand me but your Forum does”  "You have no idea. You’ve saved my life.”  "I cannot tell you how blessed I felt to have someone
 I could talk to about this that has shared this experience."  "The advice I received from the Founder about setting boundaries was a big help to my marriage."  
"The hour I spent speaking with you made me feel better than the year I spent 
in therapy." 
 "After my consultation, I realized my therapist was not the expert on cross dressers’ wives - the Founder is."  
 DONATIONS; VOLUNTEER We are a charitable, non-for profit organization. 
All donations are tax deductible. Presently, we rely almost solely on donations and grants to support our much-needed services. In difficult financial times, funds are short, limiting our ability to expand our Hotline and international outreach resources. 
Every dollar we raise can assist Cross Dressers Wives NPO develop worldwide programs for cross dressers wives seeking assistance and support.  
Please visit our links to purchase our book via PayPal only, make a financial contribution, or volunteer your services to help us assist women in dire need of support, education, acceptance, understanding, compassion, and guidance.  Many of us have lived incomplete silence, denial, and guilt. This does not come without enormous consequences. Sometimes, it is simply comforting to know that we are not alone.  
There are millions of us in the United States and throughout the world whose unique needs must be met. All contributions are greatly appreciated.  For privacy purposes, donations made by check may be made payable to ‘CDW’ Or ‘CROSS DRESSERS WIVES.’ Credit card donations made via PayPal appear as ‘CDW.’
Inspirational Quote of the Month…
“Don’t look outside yourself for a leader.”
Hopi Elders after Septemeber 11, 2001 terror attacks
From Barbara Feldon’s book, Living Alone and Loving It (pg. 110).
